Ithaca, NY – September 9, 2020

Today EcoMetrics LLC introduced its first President, Edwin (Ed) Piñero. Over his 40-year career, Piñero has worked both in the private and public sectors as a consultant to many clients on sustainability, environment, and energy. As President, Piñero will lead EcoMetrics in developing business and applications for its innovative and its increasingly in-demand methodology to quantify and monetize co-benefits resulting from nature-based solutions and ecosystems services projects.

Piñero also serves as the President of The Piñero Group LLC, a sustainability and natural resource consulting firm offering organizational strategy and management, stakeholder engagement, implementation of best practices and measurement of performance and reporting services.

According to Piñero, “Nature-based solutions offer practical and efficient opportunities to address challenges facing our society and economy. These solutions to address this challenge must be innovative, integrated and sustainable and they must tackle more than single topics such as carbon reduction or water scarcity. Holistic solutions that support thriving ecosystems, increase the health and well-being of local communities and create new opportunities for sustainable economic development must be the focus of today’s private/public sustainability initiatives.  Most importantly, we must be able to make a compelling business case for this approach.” 

Originally created by Restore the Earth Foundation to document the value created by their restoration efforts, EcoMetrics is now a stand-alone offering that can be applied to a variety of project and activity types. Today’s visionary corporations and communities understand that now, more than ever, there’s a strong business case to be made that investments in nature-based solutions as a part of sustainability initiatives offer superior environmental, financial, and social returns than conventional “gray infrastructure” projects. Truly sustainable solutions need to have environmental, economic and social benefits. EcoMetrics methodology successfully encompasses these three aspects while paving the way for a variety of future applications as these considerations become increasingly adopted into the status quo of corporate reporting.

Prior to founding The Piñero Group, Piñero was Senior Vice President for Sustainability for Veolia North America, a $2 billion global water, energy and environmental service and technology group. At Veolia, Piñero also functioned as a liaison to Veolia’s worldwide Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Affairs departments operating throughout 40 countries worldwide. Piñero has also served at the state and Federal level addressing sustainability issues; including serving as the White House Federal Environmental Executive, where he focused on developing and implementing sustainability policy and practices within the U.S. Federal government.

After working with Restore the Earth Foundation in his capacity at Veolia during the initial development of EcoMetrics, Piñero is very excited to be named President of the new LLC, and adds, “I cannot think of a better way to leverage my experience. I am honored to play a role in expanding the applications and capabilities of this tool.”

About EcoMetrics LLC

EcoMetrics LLC is an organization that provides the expertise to quantify and monetize benefits from projects built upon inputs from stakeholders. EcoMetrics is a methodology that captures the Full Value of a project’s environmental, social and economic impacts in a format that is fully documented, verified, and ready for audit. This framework and assessment methodology that companies of all types can apply to a variety of initiatives and projects. EcoMetrics is committed to providing the business case needed data and metrics to quantify and monetize the benefits of nature-based solutions to incentivize widespread adoption of these practices. Originally created by Restore the Earth Foundation to document the value created of their restoration efforts, EcoMetrics is now a stand-alone offering that can be applied to a variety of project and activity types.